Departament de Matematica Aplicada II Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya Pau Gargallo 5, E-08028 Barcelona Spain
On Melnikov theory for the splitting potential of whiskered tori in regular and singular hyperbolic Hamiltonians
Abstract : A perturbation of an integrable Hamiltonian system, having hyperbolic invariant tori with coincident whiskers, is considered. Our goal is to detect homoclinic intersections between the perturbed whiskers, and to measure the splitting distance. Using a geometric approach (based on a paper by Eliasson), the splitting distance can be shown to be the gradient of a (scalar and periodic) splitting potential. For a regular (or strongly hyperbolic) system, a first order approximation for this potential is given through Melnikov theory. This approach is designed also in the singular (or weakly hyperbolic) case, which is more involved and constitutes a model for a nearly-integrable Hamiltonian near a single resonance. The Melnikov potential in this singular case is studied, and is expected to be useful in order to give predictions of the splitting under some weak hypotheses on the perturbation. Explicit computations in concrete examples are also given.