This workshop plans to gather professional and amateur astronomers interested in asteroids and more generally in small bodies of the solar system, modeling motions, studying physical properties of these objects and observing through networks. The goal of this workshop is also to review the techniques used at present time for the observations of asteroids. The proposed topics of the workshop are :
Astrometric observations of the asteroids : towardsa better accuracy.
Numerous astrometric observations of asteroids are regularly made.
However, it is necessary to increase the accuracy of these observations in order to be able to support dynamical studies and to find out non gravitational
forces. Theoretical studies connected to observational works may also be reviewed during the workshop. The use of new stellar catalogues together
with propositions for new standard procedures of astrometric reduction should be discussed.
Prediction and observation of stellar occultations by asteroids : increasing the efficiency of the observers networks.
The observation of the stellar occultations by asteroids is one of the powerful methods for the determination of the size and figure of asteroids.
However, very accurate predictions are needed, especially for small asteroids in order to be able to observe the occultations. Moreover, a dense network
of observers on the predicted path of the asteroid 'shadow' is necessary to successfully observe the events and gather valuable data. Amateur astronomers
are of great help for this purpose.
Photometric observations of asteroids : shape and spin axis determination.
The observation of the photometric behaviour of the asteroids allows to determine the shape and the rotation parameters of the asteroids from
the analysis of their lightcurves. These observations will constrain, together with the observation of occultations, the models of the figure of the asteroids.
Satellites of asteroids, binary asteroids: towards the detection of new systems.
The satellites of asteroids have been suspected and already detected by indirect observations and are now directly observed. However, very few
observations are available: more are needed in order to constrain the formation of such systems. New methods of observations are necessary such as adaptive
optics but the astrometric accuracy remains necessary.
Observation of other Solar System small bodies :
Comets and planetary satellites need to be observed and may be observed
with the same methods as used for the asteroids. An observational effort through international campaigns of observations and through new dynamical
models may be encouraged to improve our knowledge of several small non gravitational effects.
Networks of observers: what to expect from new technologies ?
The networks of observers should be encouraged and developed by using small automatic telescopes managed by professional
and amateurs astronomers. The difficulties of some specific observations (Near Earth Asteroids, Kuiper Belt Objects) may be pointed out and experience
of the observers should be of great help for the observers community. Collaborations between professionals and amateurs have to be encouraged.