G. Iooss Standing gravity waves on infinite depth, as a small divisor problem (w. P.Plotnikov & J.Toland)
R. Moeckel Variations on a theme of Conley
D. Sauzin Gevrey examples of Arnold diffusion with a wandering domain
R. McGehee A mathematical look at data mining
A. Neishtadt On captures into resonances and passages through resonances in volume-preserving systems
J-C. Yoccoz Questions et remarques sur les cocycles à valeur dans SL(2, R)
Y. Bouligand Les transformations curvilignes de D'Arcy Thompson, ses singularités et ses observations au microscope
D. Treshev First integrals for natural systems on a torus
J. Féjoz Dynamique séculaire globale dans le problème de la lune
H. Broer Geometry of KAM tori for nearly integrable Hamiltonian systems
C. Marchal Quelques extensions de la conjecture de Saari
S. Terracini Minimizers of the n-body action on equivariant loop spaces
A. Albouy An elementary duality for the Kepler problem
C. Simo Homoclinic and heteroclinic connections related to the center manifold of collinear libration points in the 3D RTBP
P. Le Calvez Periodic orbits of Hamiltonian homeomorphisms
J. Laskar Chaotic diffusion in the Solar System
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