In 1990-1992, an international campaign of observations of mutual eclipses and
occultations of the Galilean satellites, named PHEMU91, have been organized by
the Bureau des longitudes.
A workshop held in november 1990 in Teramo (Italy) and was jointly organized by
the Observatorio Astronomico di Collurania (Teramo Observatory) and the Bureau
des longitudes.
The proceedings of the PHEMU91 workshop, Eds. J.-E. Arlot et
R. Burchi, are avalaible on request to J.-E. Arlot, Bureau des longitudes.
The content of these proceedings is :
- Morando, B. : 1990, Presentation des satellites galilens. Theorie et observations,
ibid, 15.
- Arlot, J.-E. : 1990, Interet de l'observation des phnomnes mutuels, ibid, 19.
- Arlot, J.-E. : 1990, Les campagnes d'observations passes: resultats et experience
acquise, ibid, 23.
- Colas, F., Laques P. : 1990, Observation des phenomenes mutuels avec une camera
CCD, ibid, 29.
- Thuillot, W., Arlot, J.-E., Vu, D.T. : 1990, Digital processing of the video
observations of the mutual events, ibid, 33.
- Nakamura, T., Shibasaki, H. : 1990, High precision astrometric observations of
Galilean satellites using their close approach events, ibid, 41.
- Helmer, G., Froeschle, M., Jeansaume, G., Meyer, Cl. : 1990, Evolution du
photometre TELOC, ibid, 43.
- Souchay, J., Hiromoto, N., Takami, T., Aruga, T. : 1990, The observations of the
mutual phenomena at the 1.5 m telescope of the Communications Research
Laboratory, ibid 51.
- Fortrat, J.-O., Thizy, O. : 1990, PHEMU91: photographic methods, ibid, 55.
- Thuillot, W., Descamps, P. : 1990, A model for the lightcurves of the mutual
events, ibid, 61.
- Sinton, W. : 1990, Science potential from IR observations of mutual occultations
of Io and some plans of U.S. observers, ibid 73.
- Nicolet, B., Nitschelm, Ch. : 1990, Abilities offered by the photometric devices
at the Jungfraujoch, ibid 83.
- Blanco, C. : 1990, The observation of the mutual phenomena at Catania, ibid 95.
- D'Ambrosio, V. : 1990, Laboratory simulation of photometric light curves by
system for animation, ibid 99.
- Barufetti, P. : 1990, The contribution of GEOS to the PHEMU91 campaign, ibid 101.
- Barufetti, P. : 1990, Visual observations of the mutual events, ibid, 103.
- Lecacheux, J., Arlot, J.-E. : 1990, L'observation des phenomenes mutuels avec un
photometre a diaphragme, ibid, 105.
- Briot, D.: 1990, Observations des phenomenes mutuels a l'Observatoire de Paris,
ibid 113.
- Arlot, J.-E. : 1990, Organisation de la campagne PHEMU91, ibid, 121.