A Theory of
Previous: Acknowledgements
- 1
- Batrakov Ju. V., Nikol'skaja T. K. // Bjull. In-ta
Teor. Astron.--- 1981.--- T. 15, 2 (165).---
S. 71--75.
- 2
- Bulirsh R., Stoer J. // Num. Math.--- 1966.--- V.
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- Bykova L. E. // Astronomija i geodezija: Vyp. 3.---
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- 4
- Herget P. // Astron. J.--- 1968.--- V. 73, no. 8---
P. 737--742.
- 5
- Kirsanov N. O. // Mathematical Methods in Studying
the Structure and Dynamics of Gravitating Systems: Program and
Abstracts of the Conference / Ed. by A. A. Mylläri et al.---
Petrozavodsk, 1993.--- P. 34.
- 6
- Kirsanov N. O. // Abstracts for Small Bodies in the
Solar System and their Interactions with the Planets / Hans
Rickman, Mats Dahlgren.--- Mariehamn, Å land, August 8--12,
1994.--- P. 79.
- 7
- Kulikov D. K. // Bjull. In-ta Teor. Astron.---
1950.--- T. 4, 7 (60).--- S. 311--340.
- 8
- Nikol'skaja T. K. // Bjull. In-ta Teor. Astron.---
1986.--- T. 15, 2 (172).--- S. 534--537.
- 9
- Newcomb S. // Astronomical Papers.--- III.
- 10
- USNO Circular N 163.--- Washington, 1981.--- P.
- 11
- Woltjer J. // Annalen van de sterrewasht te Leiden
/ W. De Sitter. --- 1928.--- Deel 16, 3de stuk.