DYNAMICAL BEHAVIOUR OF ASTEROIDS IN RESONANCE: FIRST ORDER COMMENSURABILITIES Fernandez S.* and Lopez Garcia F.** ABSTRACT The aim of our work is to explore the dynamical behaviour of asteroids in commensurability or near it by stuying the time evolution of their orbital elements. We have studied first order commensurabilities with Jupiter, particularly the 3:2 and 4:3 ones. Our method is based on the numerical integration of the heliocentric motion equations and the analysis of different elements. We have used the gravitational hypothesis considering Jupiter as the main perturbator, i.e. planar elliptic restricted three-body problem and as a second step we have included the perturbations of Saturn as a fourth body. In order to consider the possible status of motion according to the initial conditions we have represented the phase surface (-1/a, phi). This phase plane allows us to have some idea about the regularity of the asteroidal behaviour...When the motion is regular but not commensurable, a stripe parallel to x-axis is obtained. When a commensurabilityof mean motion is present there are two different behaviours according to the regulariry of motion: if the distribution of points has a ring-shape the motion is regular and if it has a non ordered distribution the motion is non regular. We have integrated fictitious and real asteroids varying the initial conditions for all of them, mean anomalies M and the other initial parameters. We have found a strong dependence of these initial conditions on the behaviour of the asteroids. * Observatorio Astronomico Cordoba, Argentina ** Observatorio Astronomico Felix Aguilar, Argentina Note: PHI means the Greek letter