Determination of the coefficients of the Earth's gravitational potential expansion in solid spherical functions. M. S. Petrovskaya Institute of Theoretical Astronomy Kutuzov Quay 10, St. Petersburg, Russia New compact relations are derived for the determination of the Earth's external gravitational potential, basing on the terrain surface gravity data (the gradient of the potential), with due regard for the Earth's figure nonsphericity. A closed analytical formula is provided which, as compared with the earlier known ones, does not involve strongly singular integrals in the correction terms to the spherical approximation. Two compact relations are obtained, as well, for evaluating the harmonic coefficients (Stokes constants) of the geopotential. One of them is an explicit analytical expression for a harmonic coefficient as a function of the coefficients of the gravity expansion at the Earth's surface. The other formula represents a linear combination between the whole set of Stokes constants and the coefficents of the gravity expansion. This relation allows to evaluate the Earth's dynamical constants from simultaneous treatment of satellite perturbations and surface gravity data.