The Orbit of Charon from Hubble Space Telescope Observations \documentstyle{article} \title{The Orbit of Charon from Hubble Space Telescope Observations} \author{ David J. Tholen, Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii\\ Marc W. Buie, Lowell Observatory} \date{} \begin{document} \maketitle The orbit of Charon has been determined from 60 images of the Pluto-Charon system acquired with the Hubble Space Telescope Wide Field and Planetary Camera between 1992 May 21 and 1993 August 18. The orbital semimajor axis was found to be $19,636 \pm 8 km$, in good agreement with an older determination upon which mutual event radii computations have been based, but significantly larger than two other recent determinations. A surprisingly large orbital eccentricity of $0.0076 \pm 0.0005$ was found, with the line of apsides aligned nearly along the line of sight from Earth, which is the orientation to which the mutual events were least sensitive. Although part of this apparent eccentricity could be due to surface albedo features on Pluto, the most likely explanation for the remainder of this unexpected result is that the system suffered an energetic impact in recent time, which implies a large population of bodies in the trans-Neptunian region of the Solar System. The remaining elements are generally consistent with previously determined values, though in the case of the orbital inclination, the various determinations appear to have underestimated error bars. The system GM derived from our data is $9.815 \pm 0.012 . 10^11 m^3 s^{-2}$. Some information on the Pluto/Charon mass ratio is present in the data, though our determination of 9.08 is sufficiently crude that it does not improve on previous determinations, nor resolve the discrepancy between them. \end{document}