N.V. Emelianov
Sternberg State Astronomical Institute,
Universiretskij Prospect, 13, 119899 Moscow, Russia
E-mail: emelia@sai.msk.su
A special software has been constructed to provide the process of natural satellites observations with ephemerides. The software is designed to make up observational plans, to get circumstances of observations and to test preliminary results.
Positions of the planet and satellites are calculated and shown on the screen as they are seen from the Earth or from the Sun at any given moment. For any observatory the program calculates conditions of seeing of the planet system.
A special function of the program is available to detect moments of eclipses and occultations.
The program is constructed in such a manner that any satellite motion theory can be used and corresponding computing program can be included into the program system. A friendly user interface is realized. Text and graphic visualizations are applied.
The software was used to predict the circumstances for mutual phenomena of the saturnian satellites in 1995-1996.