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Functions of the program

a. For any given moment the program calculates following values: - apparent geocentric angular coordinates of natural satellites (right ascension, declination) relative to the planet or relative to any other satellite, - apparent angular coordinates and distance of the planet, - an apparent magnitude of the planet and each satellite, - an apparent angular radius of the planet and each satellite.

b. For any given moment and for a set of observatories with given longitude and latitude the program calculates conditions of seeing of the satellite system including following values: - angular topocentric altitude of the planet, the Sun and the Moon, - angular distance between the planet and the Moon, - fullness of the Moon lighting.

c. The program calculates the moments of the beginning, the ending and the middle time of any of the following events: - a contact of the disks of the planet and a satellite and the disks of two satellites as it is seen from the Earth (occultation), - a contact of the disks of the planet and a satellite and the disks of two satellites as it is seen from the Sun (eclipse). The model of the shadow of each body is a cylinder. The effect of phase is not taken into account. These conditions are acceptable for the ephemerides.

d. At the moments of the beginning and the ending of an event the program calculates many necessary parameters and outputs them to a special file or prints them. The event search and the output may be accomplished automatically.

e. The satellite's and planet positions as they are visible from the Earth or from the Sun are graphically demonstrated in the window of the screen. With automatic change of the moment you can see the apparent motion of the satellites. Some operations are available to adjust the window: scale adjustment, horizontal and vertical displacements, satellite spoor on/off operation, point of view replacement (Earth/Sun), switch on/off the immobile point of view at current position.

f. Sun-Earth-Planet configuration graphic demonstration.

g. The satellites names show.

h. All operations with the program are accomplished by friendly dialogue with menus, prompts and graphic output on the screen.

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