To perform observations of natural satellites it is necessary to have good ephemerides. The access to the data is to be the most suitable for the process of the observation of these interesting objects. That is why the development of a convenient software providing all necessary operations concerning the ephemerides has been attempted.
The first stage of the software functions is determination of the apparent angular coordinates for all requested satellites for any given moment. The seeing conditions are calculated also for several observatories simultaneously. These results are to be outputted in numerical and graphic forms. The user can see the satellite system configuration on the screen as it is the telescope frame of view. Setting the automatic increasing the time argument you can see an animated apparent motion of the satellites.
The second stage of the software functions is to select the favorable moments of observation for the study of a given problem. The program must take in to account the seeing conditions at the given observatory as well as select the more convenient observatory. One of the such functions is to detect the moments of the beginning and the completion of each mutual occultation or eclipse in the satellites and planet system.
The auxiliary function of the software is to simulate the observational results in order to determine the optimum set of the observations for the estimation of the given set of parameters.
The auxiliary function of the software is also to verify the preliminary results of observations and to treat them.
By now the first and second stages of the software are available. The program was named as MONS-EPH (Monitoring Of Natural Satellites - Ephemerides). The software can be obtained on request from the author.