Institut de Mécanique Céleste et de Calcul des Ephémérides
Université Lille 1, Observatoire de Paris, Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur
IMCCE Université Lille1
Paris Obs.

Scientific program

Time table, Oral and poster presentations

Monday, 26th, September, afternoon: 1:00pm - 2:00pm: registration

Monday, 26th, September, afternoon: 2:00pm - 6:30pm: scientific session

Tuesday, 27th, September, morning: 8:30am - 12:30pm: scientific session (lunch offered in the conference room)

Tuesday, 27th, September, afternoon: 2:00pm - 4:00pm: scientific session

Wednesday, 27th, September, morning: 9:00am - 12:30pm: scientific session (lunch offered in the conference room)

Wednesday, 27th, September, afternoon: 2:00pm - 6:00pm: scientific session

Much time will be devoted to discussion.

Deadline: Oral and poster presentations should be submitted before Monday, 12th, September, 2011.

Monday, 26th, September
State of the art, Experience from actual spacecraft flight dynamics operations
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Registration
2:00pm - 2:15 Opening
Alain Vienne, Professeur Université Lille 1, IMCCE, on behalf of the LOC
Edwin Wnuk, Poznan University, on behalf of the SOC

2:15pm - 4:15 pm  Lecture 1
TS Kelso, Center for Space Standards & Innovation:  Improving Safety of Space Operations  Pdf

4:15pm - 4:45pm Coffee break

4:45 pm - 5:45 pm Lecture 2
Gabriella Pinzari, Università Roma Tre: Classical methods for determining elliptic planetary elements: a brief review

5:45 pm - 6:30 pm Lecture 3
Tim Floher, ESA/ESOC Space Debris Office: Orbit determination activities at ESA's Space Debris Office

Tuesday, 27th, September
Orbit propagation methods for artificial satellites and asteroids
8:30am - 8:55am Elipe Antonio
(O) Orbit propagation with Lie-Deprit methods in satellite dynamics  Pdf

8:55 am - 9:20 am Paul Cefola
(O) Development of the Semi-analytical Satellite Theory and Applications  Pdf

9:20am - 9:55am Vincent Morand
(O) Status of the STELA s/w and study of  resonance case  Pdf

9:55am - 10:20am Guillaume Lion
(O) Towards an Analytical Theory of the Third-Body Problem for Highly Eccentric Elliptical Orbits  Pdf

10:20am - 10:45am Denis Hautesserres
(O) Analytical Integration of the Osculating Lagrange Planetary Equations for the Third Body and the SRP Perturbations in the Orbital Motion  Pdf

10:45am - 11:15am Coffee break

11:15am - 11:40am Rosaev Alexey
(O) On capture irregular satellites in restricted four body problem  Pdf

11:40am -  12:05am Jiménez-Pérez Hugo
(O) A time-parallel algorithm for almost integrable Hamiltonian systems  Pdf

12:05am - 12:30am Charles Hubaux
(O) Symplectic integration of space debris orbits  Pdf

2:00pm - 2:25pm Edwin Wnuk
(O) Non-gravitational perturbations in space debris orbital motion  Pdf

2:25pm - 2:50pm Vilhena de Moraes Rodolpho
(O) The motion of a particle around the Lagrangian point L4 considering radiation pressure  Pdf

2:50pm - 3:15pm Sampaio Jarbas
(O) The Orbital Motion in the LEO Region: Study of the 14:1 Resonance  Pdf

3:15pm - 3:40pm Tardioli Chiara
(O) The secular evolution of the orbit distance between two satellites of the Earth  Pdf

3:40pm - 4:05pm Jesus Pelaez
(O) DROMO: a new regularized orbital propagator  Pdf

Wednesday, 28th, September
Orbit determination methods for artificial satellites and asteroids
9:00am - 9:25am Rodnikov Alexander
(O) On motion of a space station tethered to an asteroid  Pdf

9:25am - 9:50am Lainey Valéry
(O) Orbit determination of natural satellites  Pdf

9:50am - 10:15am Discussion1:  what still to be achieved about orbit propagation. Chairs : FBarlier, GMetris, ALemaitre

10:15am - 11:15am Coffee break and poster session

11:15am - 11:40am David Bancelin
(O) Impact of Gaia data on Near-Earth Asteroids orbit  Pdf

11:40am -  12:05am Eggl Siegfried
(O) Refinement of Near Earth Asteroids' orbital elements via simultaneous measurements by two observers  Pdf

12:05am - 12:30am Granvik Mikael
(O) Bayesian Orbit Computation  Pdf
2:05pm - 2:30pm Rossi Alessandro
(O) Innovative orbit determination and catalogue building methods for LEO and GEO objects  Pdf

2:30pm - 2:55pm Gronchi Giovanni Federico
(O) Orbit determination with the two-body integrals  Pdf

2:55pm - 3:20pm Früh Carolin
(O) Orbit Determination with Optical Observations of HAMR Objects  Pdf

3:20pm - 3:45pm Sebastien Wailliez
(O) Initial Orbit Determination with very short optical Arcs: a Lamber-based approach  Pdf

3:45pm - 4:15pm discussion2: what still to be achieved about orbit dertermination. Chairs : ARossi, TS Kelso, SWAilliez

4:15pm - 5:00pm Coffee break

5:00pm - 5:25pm Lamine Brahim
(O) Tests of gravitation in the solar system with spacecraft tracking   Pdf

5:25pm - 5:50pm Bertone Stefano
(O) Relativistic effects in high precision deep space navigation  Pdf

5:50pm - 6:00pm Concluding remarks

List of posters

Kitazawa Yukihito
(P) Effective Search Strategy Applicable for Breakup Fragments

Pospieszynski Remigiusz
(P) Long-term Orbital Evolution of MEO Space Debris Objects

Riede Wolfgang
(P) Orbit determination of LEO space debris applying laser technology

Gregorowicz Dorota
(P) Long-term orbital evolution of HEO space debris objects


Session chair

Session1, Tuesday 8:30am-10:45am: Edwin Wnuk
Session2: Tuesday 11:45am - 12:30am : Valéry Lainey
Session3: Tuesday 2:00pm, 4:05pm : Antonio Elipe
Session4: Wednesday, 9:00am, 10:15am :  Daniel Hestroffer
Session 5: Wednesday 11:15am - 12:30am : Gabriella Pinzari
Session6: Wednesday 2:00pm - 4:15pm : TS Kelso
Session7: 5:00pm - 6:00pm : Gilles Métris

Partenaires et financeurs

Université Lille1 
Université Lille 1


Fondation de Lille 
Fondation de Lille

Ville de Lille 
Ville de Lille

Lille Tourism 
Lille Tourism

Dernière mise à jour le 8 décembre  2011